Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Extrapolation from Matthew 5:14

Ye are the light of the world. (Matthew 5:14).... it means the world
has no light.....a world that declares it to be a "
right" to slaughter their unborn children on the altar of SELF, that locks men in cages like animals and Fight to a bloody pulp for "entertainment", that tells themselves that they are related to "Common Beasts of the Field" rather than created in the Image of God, that replaces the Father God with the "Mother Earth" as the object of fidelity and claims they are confused about which bathroom to use while "Celebrating" men and women who mutilate their Gender of a body that a God that Loves them gave them, and we could go on down the path of those pushing the envelope on eating bugs and testing the waters for "cannibalism" (by growing human flesh in a lab for human consumption)......