Sunday, May 28, 2023

Creation Moment 5/29/2023 - Inferences erroneously drawn from facts observed in nature have . . .

Inferences erroneously drawn from facts observed in nature have . . . led to supposed conflict between science and revelation; and in the effort to restore harmony, interpretations of Scripture have been
adopted that undermine and destroy the force of the word of God. 
Geology has been thought to contradict the literal interpretation of the Mosaic record of the creation. Millions of years, it is claimed, were required for the evolution of the earth from chaos; and in order to accommodate the Bible to this supposed revelation of science, the days of creation are assumed to have been vast, indefinite periods, covering thousands or even millions of years. 
Such a conclusion is wholly uncalled for. 
The Bible record is in harmony with itself and with the teaching of nature. Of the first day employed in the work of creation is given the record, “The evening and the morning were the first day.Genesis 1:5. And the same in substance is said of each of the first six days of creation week. Each of these periods Inspiration declares to have been a day consisting of evening and morning, like every other day since that time
In regard to the work of creation itself the divine testimony is, “He spake, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.Psalm 33:9
Q: With Him who could thus call into existence unnumbered worlds, how long a time would be required for the evolution of the earth from Chaos? 
Q: In order to account for His works, must we do violence to His word?” E.G.W.