Monday, May 22, 2023

Creation Moment 5/23/2023 - EDM

For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible... Colossians 1:16

"The electron seems to be perfectly spherical. But under quantum
mechanics, “virtual particles” pop into existence for the tiniest fraction of a second, then pop out. This is due to the uncertainty principle.
Big bang theorists hope for virtual particles beyond the standard model, which would provide a loophole for the preponderance of ordinary matter.
However, such particles would lower the perfect spherical symmetry of the electron. That is, one tip of the electron would have a more positive charge and the other a more negative charge. The positive and negative charges or ‘poles’ would give the electron an electric dipole moment (EDM). The Standard Model predicts practically zero EDM, nearly a million times smaller than what current techniques
can probe.
Q: How could we tell? 
A: An electric field would exert a torque on an electric dipole, making it rotate. But without an EDM, an electron has no ‘handles’ on which an electric field could ‘grab’ and twist. (In contrast, electrons are well known to have a magnetic dipole moment (MDM), and magnetic fields interact readily with the MDM).
Another problem is that the electron is so tiny. So researchers hope to amplify any EDM by anchoring it to a heavy molecule. But one advantage of tininess is that there are lots of them. One team probed 10s of millions per second but held each for only a few milliseconds. Another team worked with only a few molecules at a time but trapped them for up to three seconds. The two methods can cross-check each other.
Results: no EDM detected
Even with the incredible sensitivity of the latest experiments, the “result is consistent with zero and improves on the previous best
upper bound by a factor ∼2.4
.” This is great support for the Standard Model but a serious problem for the
big bang. ..... the experiments have not found any deviation from a perfectly spherical electron, despite unparalleled experimental precision.
Also, trying to find tinier and tinier deviations from a sphere is equivalent to looking for particles at higher and higher energy scales. In turn, this is equivalent to looking for more and more massive particles beyond the Standard Model. This experiment is so sensitive that it’s equivalent to energies above 1013 eV (electron volts). This is over ten times the energy the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) can currently generate.
The results back up an extremely well-supported and useful theory of particle physics. However, those committed to the big bang, regardless of real particle physics, continue to be disappointed. The best solution is: stick to real science and abandon the naturalistic faith that demands the big bang." CMI