Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Creation Moment 5/17/2023 - They Replace Father God with Father Time

 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Exodus 20:3
"Eddington ....  repeatedly stated his belief in the centrality of time
Father Time
for naturalistic development.  In the evolution—or the “becoming”—of the universe, he wrote, “
Time occupies the key position” (Eddington, 1933, p. 91).  
As with Eddington, Carl Sagan acted not as an originator of chronological thought, but as an advocate of the primacy of time in evolution.  Sagan also described the evolution of the universe with “time” replacing God as the First Cause:
For unknown ages there were no galaxies, no planets, no life. A first generation of stars was born.  In the dark lush clouds between the stars, smaller raindrops grew, bodies far too little to ignite the nuclear fire. Among them was a small world of stone and iron, the early Earth. One day a molecule arose that was able to make crude copies of itself life had begun.  Single-celled plants evolved plants and animals discovered that the land could support life. [Some animals] became upright emerging into consciousness.  At an ever-accelerating pace, [consciousness] invented writing, cities, art and science, and sent spaceships to the planets and the stars.  These are some things that hydrogen atoms do, given 15 billion years of cosmic evolution (Sagan, 1980, pp. 337,338).
If to Sagan time was the “creator” which brought the universe into existence, planetary astronomer William K. Hartmann has expressed the same idea, namely, that time is really the only necessity for evolution—a “longtime:
From all we have just said, we conclude that if planetary surfaces with the necessary conditions—liquid water and the ‘CHON’ chemicals (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen)—exist long enough anywhere, life is likely to evolve (Hartmann, 1991, p. 621).
With time as the evolutionary agent, it is no wonder that the evolutionary expectation of finding extraterrestrial life has over the decades gone from disrepute to popular acceptance.
All evolutionary cosmic ages are in the final analysis based on an old
Father God

age for the earth, so if this chronology is destroyed for the earth, it is demolished for the cosmos as well.  
---The sun is thought to be old because the earth is old, other stars are thought to follow a mode of operation and chronology based on that of the sun (Bahcall, 1990, p. 56; Fix, 1999, p. 385), and the Hubble constant and the age of the universe are adjusted in an attempt to make the cosmos older than the stars (Goldsmith, 1985, p. 115)." NWCN