Monday, May 15, 2023

Creation Moment 5/16/2023 - Rutherford's Book Nails It

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Jeremiah 17:9
"One of the most recent books that does not shy away from discussing the influence Darwinism had on Hitler is by British geneticist Adam Rutherford, who documented “how eugenics, ‘Darwin’s monster’, took over the world.” The book documented how
in the shadow of Darwin’s revolutionary theory of evolution, a sinister ideology took root — eugenics. … The idea, which enjoyed popular support among scientists, politicians and the general public for 60 years in Europe and the U.S., later became a cornerstone of Hitler’s Third Reich, taking the world on a horrific journey from forced sterilizations to the mass murder of millions in concentration camps such as Auschwitz.
Rutherford adds that Darwin’s cousin, Francis Galton, who “was very enamored with the work of his relative [Darwin] and his [Darwin’s] celebrity status,applied the principles of artificial selection to human populations in order
to craft better societies, better cultures, filled with people
with more “desirable” characteristics.  Galton wrote about the inheritance of genius in 1869 and he …. believed that the characteristics of humans are determined much more by biology than they are by environment… By 1883, he had come up with a term for this attempt to alter humans physically or behaviorally by changing their social structures: eugenics. It provided a scientific scaffold to the ancient idea of reshaping populations according to biological means
Rutherford admitted that Darwin “didn’t have a mechanism, just an overall scheme." CEH