Thursday, May 4, 2023

Creation Moment 4/5/2023 - Engineering without an engineer?

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,.... Romans 1:22

"Darwinians try to latch onto the prestige of math to lend support for evolution and the origin of life. 
Q: Will it work?
Maths unlocks molecular interactions that open window to how life evolved (University of Queensland, 27 April 2023).
Landmark research published in Nature Communications by mathematicians Dr Robyn Araujo at QUT and Professor
Lance Liotta of George Mason University in the US sets out the definitive picture of biological adaptation at the level of intermolecular interactions….
“Until now, no one had a general way to explain how this vital process was orchestrated at the molecular level through the vast, complex, often highly intricate networks of chemical reactions among different types of molecules, mostly proteins.
“We have now solved this problem, having discovered fundamental molecular-level design principles that organize all forms of biological complexity into robustness-promoting, and ultimately, survival-promoting, chemical reaction structures.”
Q: But What Do They Mean?
Understand that their view is far from intelligent design. The “vital process was orchestrated” not by a mind or intelligence, but by material laws of nature following mathematical forms. The “design principles” were not designed; they just are. In short, molecules come together naturally and live. They want to. They have to. Indeed, they are “engineered” to do so by some unspecified, blind engineer:
These complex intermolecular interactions must implement a special type of regulation known as integral control – a
design strategy known to engineers for almost a century
However, signalling networks in nature are vastly different, having evolved to rely on the physical interactions between discrete molecules.  So, nature’s ‘solutions’ operate through remarkable and highly intricate collections of interactions, without engineering’s specially designed, integral-computing components, and often without feedback loops.
Q: Engineering without an engineer
Q: How can that work in solutions of mindless molecules bouncing around?" CEH