Friday, April 7, 2023

IN the NEWS - When the Climate CULT becomes DANGEROUS

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel... Galatians 1:6
---We have said many times that IF the Green Religion is used by the Little Horn Entity to Grease the Skids for the Mark of the Beast  (see Laudato Si' where the current head of this entity placed it in writing) that this would result in persecution.
As one can see in the story below, when these EXTREMISTS think that an Oil Spill is on par with literal Genocide---Imagine what they would do to you if you didn't fully cooperate with an agenda to let mother earth rest one day a week?

"European lawmakers agree to make ecocide a crime in a draft EU
law.....a crime that could be prosecuted by the
International Criminal Court (ICC) alongside offences such as war crimes and genocide.
Stop Ecocide International says cases could involve the deforestation of the Amazon, large oil spills and other environmental disasters related to mining, deep-sea trawling or nuclear accidents....Advocates, however, say an international law would serve as a powerful deterrent...."