Thursday, April 20, 2023

IN the NEWS - Truly Shocking

 It did not even enter God's mind to have human sacrifice...
They built the high places of Baal in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to offer up their sons and daughters to Molech, though I did not command them, nor did it enter into my mind, that they should do this abomination, ..........
Jeremiah 32:35

"A man and his wife allegedly committed suicide by decapitating themselves using a guillotine-like device, which they created at home, so that they could offer their heads for a sacrificial ritual in Gujarat’s Rajkot district, police said on Sunday.
Hemubhai Makwana (38) and his wife Hansaben (35) killed themselves by getting their heads severed by the blade of the device in a hut at their farm in Vinchhiya village, sub-inspector Indrajeetsinh Jadeja of Vinchhiya police station said.
The husband-wife duo executed the plan in such a manner that their heads rolled into the fire altar after getting severed, he said, adding that a suicide note was found at the spot.
The couple were apparently Hindu, and they had reportedly set up a makeshift temple to worship Shiva, a Hindu deity.
In an article published in the International Journal of Social Psychiatry in 2018, two researchers examined the question of suicide in the Hindu faith, writing: “The stand of Hinduism on suicide has been ambiguous through the ages, on one hand, condemning general suicides, while condoning religious suicides on the other. This ambiguity is reflected in contemporary India and among the Indian diaspora.”