Tuesday, April 11, 2023

IN the NEWS - SAFETY? Sign 'o the Times?

The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence....But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Genesis 6:11/ Matthew 24:37

"It's yet another story of a major company leaving a U.S. city: this
time, it's a Whole Foods in San Francisco that is closing after barely being open for a year. The location in question is a 64,000 "flagship" Whole Foods store that you just know the company wouldn't be closing down unless things truly had run amok. 
The Whole Foods Market at Eighth and Market streets is reportedly shutting down this week due to concerns about safety.
The location had already cut its hours as of October last year, due to "high theft" and "hostile visitors", the report says. Syringes and pipes were found in the restroom last year, prompting the store to also implement new bathroom rules around November 2022.
Whole Foods follows the lead of companies like Walgreens, who have also shuttered business in San Francisco." ZeroHedge