Tuesday, April 25, 2023

IN the NEWS - The Malindi Death Cult

My people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them away on the mountains: they have gone from mountain to hill, they have forgotten their restingplace. Jeremiah 50:5

"Dozens of bodies have been discovered on the property of a Kenyan religious group which authorities have labeled a “cult.” The leader
of the small sect has been arrested, accused of encouraging followers to starve themselves to death in order to “meet Jesus.” 
The death toll reached 73 on Monday after 26 additional bodies were unearthed, as police continue to search the grounds of the Good News International Church, a small sect located on a remote stretch of land near the city of Malindi, Kenya. 
Officials said the bodies were found in shallow “mass graves,” which were “scattered” across a wooded area covering 800 acres..... the church’s pastor Paul Nthenge Mackenzie was said to have promoted bizarre beliefs and practices, including instructing members to starve themselves to avoid “apocalyptic damnation” and
to “meet Jesus,”....Mackenzie has had numerous brushes with the law since 2017, and was arrested in March for “the alleged death of two children who are believed to have been starved to death,” Kenya’s Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) said. Though he was later released on bail, he was picked up again on April 14 after 15 people were rescued on his land – four of whom were reportedly “emaciated and in critical condition.” They died before reaching a hospital, while the other 11, including two minors, required treatment....Mckenzie remains in custody, and is likely to face additional charges....Kenyan authorities said 33 people had been rescued since the search operation began last week, presumably members of the church, though their condition remains unclear, with some reportedly still refusing to eat."