Friday, April 28, 2023

IN the NEWS - 3 Spiritual Truths from Carlson's Heritage Foundation Speech

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient... Romans 1:28

From Tucker Carlson's speech to the Heritage Foundation:
Truth 1:I should say at the outset, I’m an Episcopalian, so don’t take theological advice from me, because I don’t have any. I grew up in the shallowest faith tradition that has ever been invented. It’s not even a Christian religion at this point, I say with shame.” 

Truth 2: There is no way to assess say, the transgenderist
, with [the mindset of normal politics]. Policy papers don’t account for it at all. If you have people saying, “I have an idea, let’s castrate the next generation, let’s sexually mutilate children.” I’m sorry that’s not a political debate. That has nothing to do with politics. What’s the outcome we’re desiring here? An androgynous population? Are we arguing for that? I don’t think anyone can defend that as a positive outcome, but the weight of the government and a lot of corporate interests are behind that. What is that?
Truth 3:If you’re telling me that abortion is a positive good, you’re arguing for child sacrifice, obviously . . . when the treasury secretary stands up and says, “You know what you can do to help the economy? Get an abortion,” that’s an Aztec principle, actually. There’s not a society in history that didn’t practice human sacrifice . . . that’s what that is. What’s the point of child sacrifice? Well, there’s no policy goal attached to that. That’s a theological phenomenon. That’s the point I’m making: none of this makes sense in conventional political terms. When people, or crowds of people, or the largest crowd of people, which is the federal government, decide that the goal is to destroy things, destruction for its own sake, what you’re watching is not a political movement, it is evil.