Thursday, April 27, 2023

Papal Notes - Another Gospel is where Ecumenism Leads

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Galatians 1:6

"Pope Francis received Taiwanese Buddhists at the Vatican. After
praising the sacred values and principles of
Buddhism, Francis invoked the name of Buddha, asking that He guide the monks into a closer relationship with everyone, including the planet. The Pope’s heretical action elevates Buddha to the status of a spiritual leader on par with Jesus Christ. Pope Francis expressed the following words to the Buddhist delegation:
Your visit, which you have termed an educational pilgrimage, represents a privileged occasion for advancing the culture of encounter …  For as we experience others in their diversity, we are encouraged to move outside of ourselves and to accept and embrace our differences.” 
The culture of encounter builds bridges and opens windows to the sacred values and convictions that inspire others. It tears down the walls that divide people and keep them prisoners of preconceptions, prejudices or indifference.” 
Dear friends, it is my hope that this educational pilgrimage will lead you, guided by the thoughts of your spiritual teacher Buddha, to a deeper encounter with yourselves and with others, with the Christian tradition, and with the beauty of the earth, our common home.”  
This is a mixture of ecumenism and 
reverence for nature and false gods. 
As a result, the uniqueness of the Christian faith and witness is
diminished, and the false notion that Christianity and all other religions, including
Mother Earth worship, are equal and valid is propagated."