Saturday, April 15, 2023

Creation Moment 4/16/2023 - Psycho Darwinism

And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind... 
Genesis 1:24

 "Psycho Darwinism
Elephants as a new model for understanding human evolution (Max Planck Institute, 9 April 2023). Warning: these evolutionists work for the Max Planck “Institute for Psycholinguistics.”
Human culture and language may be the result of ‘self-
domestication’: an evolutionary process that leads to less aggressive and more prosocial individuals. A research team led by the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen argues that elephants—like humans and bonobos—may also be self-domesticated. Elephants show many traits associated with self-domestication, such as prosocial behavior, playfulness and complex communication skills. This makes elephants an interesting new animal model for
the evolution of
Prosociality is Darwinese for materialistic behavior that looks like kindness—a “love” that evolves by natural selection, whether in bonobos, bacteria or bumblebees. 
It’s animals appearing to act nice when they’re not killing and eating each other. 
---Since it evolves without mind or purpose, there is no moral content to it.
Q:  What? Are the Darwinians stealing virtues from the Bible again? A: Yes, but it makes no sense. Prosociality evolves, you see, except when it doesn’t." CEH