Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Creation Moment 4/13/2023 - Darwinian "Prosociality"

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Romans 1:21

"What evolutionists are likely to do now is not attack religion directly. Instead, they present psychological and theoretical approaches to attain personal peace, solve depression, and improve “prosociality” (positive behaviors for social good).
Their underlying presumption is that the supernatural is unreal. What is it that makes ‘findings’ real if not the presupposition of a rational world comprehensible by conscious, morally-aware minds?
Contemporary Christians rely on their religious beliefs as more of a social and moral compass, rather than a way to understand the weather. Similarly, the Bible seeks to explain a variety of social phenomena. The story of Cain and Abel explains the origin of murder, while the Book of Joshua explains the supernatural causes of the war that destroyed Jericho.
So how might we explain the contrast between supernatural explanations in modern-day Christianity, and supernatural explanations among traditional societies, as told through historical records? One of our findings could provide a clue.
We found societies develop more supernatural explanations for social phenomena as they get bigger and more complex.
Q: Could it also be true that evolutionary societies in academia also develop increasingly abstruse explanations for social phenomena as the data of the mind get bigger and more complex?
Philosophical questions arise: 
Q: Is my mind controlling me, or am I controlling my mind?"