Saturday, April 1, 2023

Creation Moment 4/1/2023 - John 4:24 vs. Evolution

"Q: Which major world philosophy denies the existence of an actual spiritual realm?
It isn’t Hinduism or Buddhism. Nor is it Islam. And it certainly isn’t Judaism or Christianity. Nor is it any of the animistic religions such as Australian Aboriginal spirituality. And it isn’t even agnosticism, which at least leaves open the possibility of a spiritual reality.
A: The answer is atheism
Q: So how do atheists explain where humans and their ideas about spirituality came from? 
A: By ‘evolution’, of course. As man evolved, ideas about a spiritual realm evolved too. But there is no actual spiritual realm, say the atheists—it’s only chemical reactions within the brain that trick the believer into thinking the spiritual realm is real.
Knowing this, one can truly say that evolution is the ultimate philosophical antidote to spirituality. Yet, amazingly, I meet many Christians who are apparently oblivious to this, as they say: ‘I believe in God and evolution—I don’t see any contradiction.’ 
But the Bible says that God is A spirit (John 4:24), while evolution (as understood by its leading proponents) says there is no spirit realm (it’s a trick of the mind)." CMI