Sunday, April 9, 2023

Creation Moment 4/10/2023 - Big Bang vs. Bible

For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: Exodus 20:11

"Here are just a few of the ways that big bang cosmology clashes with Biblical cosmology—they absolutely are not compatible!
  • The big bang model says that just after “the bang” was space,
    matter, time, and energy (but no planets, stars, moons, etc. because they hadn’t evolved yet in that model). The
    Bible, however, says that in the beginning—day one—was light and darkness and a formless planet earth, covered with water.
  • The big bang model says that gradually stars formed and exploded, more stars formed, and so on. But the Bible says God created stars and all other heavenly bodies, including the sun and moon, on day four of creation week—three days after planet earth!
  • Once earth finally evolved in the big bang model, it was a hot, molten blob. As we already learned in the Biblical model, earth was created covered with water—it was never a molten blob.
  • Big bang cosmology says everything formed over billions and billions of years. The Bible, however, teaches that God created everything in just six days and that these six days were just a few thousand years ago (based on the Biblical genealogies and other “timestamps”).
Don’t fall into the trap of trying to harmonize a pagan origin myth with the Biblical account of creation. They don’t go together!" AIG