Wednesday, March 29, 2023

SDA Issues - Rebellion that Exceeds Korah's

And Asa did that which was right in the eyes of the LORD....And he took away the sodomites out of the land... 1 Kings 15:11,12
"Female headship and LGBTQ+ share the same ethical trajectory, 
---the former loosening the anchor pins of the gender binary 
---and the latter uprooting the binary altogether.
Saša Gunjević, pastor of the Hamburg-Grindelberg Adventist Church in north Germany, announced to his congregation on January 7 that he was ‘bi-sexual’.
Four days later, the Hanse Conference in North Germany issued a statement of affirmation, supporting Saša Gunjević in spite of his bisexual announcement. President Dennis Meier signed the statement of affirmation.
According to the Bible, this man is completely unqualified to be a pastor in a Christian church. He should be removed at once on the basis of the biblical principles in 1 Thessalonians 5:22 and 1 Timothy 3:2. Justifying unholy lust in your life is not “abstaining from every appearance of evil”, but rather celebrating it.
Keep in mind that the North German Union was one of the first Unions to vote for female headship (2012). Here we are 11 years later and they are approving a bi-sexual pastor in their territory. 
The Hanse Conference had their March Association meeting two Sundays ago and concluded the following in another statement:
  • We have received a complaint regarding Pastor Gunjević’s sexuality last year. Coupled with his admission of being bi-sexual, the Hanse Conference decided that there was no reason to remove his credentials as a pastor. He stays, as a bi-sexual Seventh-day Adventist pastor." Fulcrum7