Saturday, March 11, 2023

SDA Issues: Anyone at Northern Caribbean University Losing their job for this?

After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do: and after the doings of the land of Canaan, whither I bring you, shall ye not do: neither shall ye walk in their ordinances.
Leviticus 18:3
"Many faithful Seventh-day Adventists protested the Xaymaca Cultural Festival planned for March 9, 2023. A video was prepared and posted online, and it was used to advertise the 2023 Xaymaca
Click on Pic to See Video
festival at Northern Caribbean University. This video created a lot of controversy
and several concerned Seventh-day Adventists voiced their objections with the administration team at Northern Caribbean University (NCU). The video was removed, and different explanations were given as to the reasons.
The university attempted to minimize the promotional video by claiming the clips were from last year and that the individuals who put it together did so without authorization, according to several emails forwarded to me by Seventh-day Adventists from Jamaica. According to the emails, the university did not approve the “promo” because they thought that it was not aligned with the university’s identity and brand. 
However, the emails also said that the 2023 Xaymaca Festival at NCU was “still on” and that a “program” would be utilized “to show that it is nothing like what was advertised.” 
Well, the 2023 event took place last night, and here are some video clips [click on pic above] that come from the NCU’s United Student Moment Instagram page. You can decide for yourself if the new “program” reflects the principles that a Seventh-day Adventist Christian school should seek to uphold.".AdventMessenger