Friday, March 24, 2023

IN the NEWS - Infringing ?

The Word of God teaches that these scenes are to be repeated as papists and Protestants shall unite for the exaltation of the Sunday” (Great Controversy, p. 578). And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: Daniel 7:25
"On March 6, 2023, Christian Network Europe published an article titled, “Portuguese Catholics fight to bring back the work-free Sunday.” 
In the article, the Protestant news media stated that the Catholic
Workers League, Liga Operária Católica
(LOC), wants to revive work-free Sundays because they say that “work-free Sunday is a necessary measure to protect the lives of families.....LOC also said that the day is intended to reflect on how twenty-first century consumption habits are infringing on the lives of both families and workers.” 
Here, we see Rome’s tentacles pulling the entire world toward Sunday rest by law. They are using terms like “infringing,” which are legal terms that describe acts that violate the law. This term is associated with the violation of someone’s legal or moral rights. 
Additionally, we see how the Protestant-owned Christian Network Europe is amplifying the call to secure Sunday rest through “work-free” measures. Catholics and Protestants are working together. Don’t be misled. This call to make Sunday “work-free” is an appeal to elected officials to enact laws securing Sunday rest."