Saturday, March 11, 2023

IN the NEWS - 761 Day False Prophecy

 .....many false prophets are gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1
 Q: How many will be led by these False Prophets?

"France’s César Awards — the country’s equivalent of the Oscars —
was disrupted by a climate change protestor who crashed the stage in the middle of the live national broadcast.
The female protestor appeared about mid-way through the 48th annual Césars ceremony at Olympia Hall in Paris, shortly after presenters including actor Ahmed Sylla had taken the stage. While the protestor didn’t say anything, she wore a t-shirt that read, in English, “We have 761 days left.”
The protestor was later carried off the stage.
The radical French climate change group Dernière Rénovation later took credit for the disruption, identifying the protestor only as “Nina.” 
The activist group believes that unless society takes significant action against climate change within the next three to four years, civilization is doomed."