Thursday, March 2, 2023

IN the NEWS - 11 yr. old Child believes in two genders - kicked out of class....

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
"Fox News reported Wednesday that Isle of Man (sorry!) authorities
have “suspended sex education at schools after a drag queen allegedly forced a student to leave class for refuting the concept of 73 genders.” It’s just great that they have forced the gears of the grooming machine to grind to a halt, at least for the moment, but how did it get this far? 
The ghastly incident took place at Queen Elizabeth II High School, and when parents heard about it, they began a petition drive. The petition called for the school’s head teacher, Charlotte Clarke, to begin an “immediate investigation” not just into the drag queen incident, but into the whole rancid curriculum that led to the drag queen being invited to the school in the first place..... the drag queen was teaching children as young as eleven years old, and informing them that there are not two, but 73 genders. According to Fox News, “one student responded that there were only two genders, which prompted the drag queen to say, ‘you’ve upset me,’ and ask the student to leave the class.” PJM