Saturday, March 25, 2023

Genetic Variation Simplified

Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth....And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth...
Genesis 11:9/Acts 17: 26

"In a brief commentary article on human Y chromosome studies, renowned evolutionist John Maynard Smith shows that ‘the Y chromosome data agree with those on mitochondria in showing that most variation is present within racial groups’.  
--- By this he means there is more variation within an individual
group than between the average of any two groups. 
*This of course means that there is a substantial overlap between the human races, a fact far more consistent with a recent origin for such races than with the idea of great ages of separate development.
It also means that most of the variation (the many different characteristics in the human race) was present before the races separated across the world. 
---The evolutionist of course believes that this variation arose prior to that time by accidental mutations; creationists believe that the information was created.
In the sentence after the above quote, Maynard Smith makes this very telling point:
From this it would seem that most of the present variation was already present in an ancestral human population, before descendants of that population migrated world-wide.’
Note that this has to be the case if the Biblical model is true, but from an evolutionary viewpoint, there was no reason to necessarily expect this. If evolution were true, the genetic data could just as easily have shown that the races obtained many of their differences after their separation.
This, in fact, has been the traditional evolutionary belief. This belief, now shown to be genetically unsound, is usually the background to questions sceptical of how separate races could have arisen from Noah’s family
The questioners reason that such characteristics could only have come from long periods of separate development within each race. 
-*-If all these genetic factors were mostly present before the races spread across the earth (which is what evolutionist Maynard Smith is admitting in the above quote), a long timespan is no longer necessary." CMI