Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Echoes of the Flood corrupted in Ancient Paganism

"Scripture teaches that Noah, his sons and wives—eight altogether—boarded the Ark, to escape the Global Flood judgment. 
Q: Did the Ancient Egyptians have knowledge of this, too?

A: Egyptologists know of a group of eight gods called the Ogdoad (Greek for ‘eight’). Four males and their wives, connected to the Egyptian Flood, or primeval ocean (Nun/Nu). Their names occur in the Pyramid Texts, Egypt’s oldest inscriptions. 
The chief god is Nu, sounds like Noah; his wife is Nu.t.

These eight were worshiped at Khemenu (Greek ‘Hermopolis’), mentioned in the Pyramid Texts. 
Khemenu survived into modern-day El Ashmunein (‘Eight City’ in Coptic). A temple once stood there, dedicated to their worship.
The Egyptians believed the ‘Eight’ eventually died, and were buried. A small 18th Dynasty temple at Medinet Habu, south of Cairo, marks their tomb. 
Inscriptions feature their names, and describe both their burial as mummies and the Great Flood." CMI