Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Creation Moment 3/8/2023 - Is it really a "Mystery"?

 .....but the heart of fools proclaimeth foolishness.
Proverbs 12:23
"Jurassic shark – Shark from the Jurassic period was already highly evolved (University of Wien, 28 Feb 2023). A shark fossil said to be 150 million years old was already highly evolved. Other kinds of sharks went extinct. So where’s the evolution?
The results of the analysis were startling: Protospinax was
neither a “missing link” nor a ray nor a primitive shark – but a highly evolved shark….
Even though cartilaginous fishes as a group have survived to this day, most species disappeared during its evolution, including Protospinax. Why Protospinax became extinct at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary some 145 million years ago and why there is no comparable shark species today, while the ecologically similarly adapted rays exist relatively unchanged to this day, remains a mystery at this point." CEH