Friday, March 3, 2023

Creation Moment 3/4/2023 -See, they all really know.....

Have I not written to you excellent things of counsel and knowledge, that I may make you know the certainty of the words of truth, that you may answer words of truth to those who send to you? 
 Proverbs 22:20-21
"One must listen in on the smoke-filled rooms where the movers and shakers of the theory gather to wring their hands over the problems, fight each other’s solutions, and plan their strategies. 
Once in awhile, their deliberations are released in print where investigators can see what is really going on. 
It’s not that any of them are ready to junk the theory. They remain true believers, assuring themselves of eventual success. But the problems are ugly, nothing like what the public hears
Around 2007, I heard Dr Steven Benner at JPL admit to a group of scientists and other employees that the problems in his field are so vexing, it was almost enough to make one become a creationist. The audience chuckled nervously. Such an admission must never be heard by the public. 
---Benner listed problem after problem: 
genetic takeovers, 
accumulations of tar, 
and the difficulty of making ribose. 
---When Benner is on camera, however, he smiles and talks about all the progress they’re making." CEH