Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Creation Moment 3/23/2023 - Those Giants

There were giants in the earth in those days;.... Genesis 6:4

"Almost every type of organism was larger in the past.
Q: Why is the world impoverished of giants today?
There are impressive plants and animals today: giant sequoias, blue
whales, giant squid, mighty elephants, tall giraffes and California condors. Live Science showed a photo of a cane toad so large they dubbed it “Toadzilla.” 
But no matter the category, most plants and animals had larger counterparts in the past, and today’s giants, like the giant tortoises of the Galapagos, are often endangered species, found in isolated refugia. 
Fossils show larger fish, larger birds, larger insects, larger mammals and, of course, larger reptiles: the mighty dinosaurs—so gigantic they almost reached a limit of what was physically possible for a walking animal. Q: Why is that?
A: Evolutionists cannot explain this. They resort to storytelling in “Darwinian fantasy land,” copping out with escape tactics like climate change, excuses like “it’s complex,” and resorting to miracle plots like “convergent evolution.”

Our created planet was made for a rich, abundant biosphere. Genesis portrays the seas, the air, and the land filled with creatures of all types and sizes. The biosphere glorified God’s design and creativity with displays of artistic engineering in every habitat
We live in a relatively impoverished world today after the Flood, with the record of giant creatures in the rocks bearing silent testimony of a richer time. However, our present world remains abundantly filled with evidence of God’s power and wisdom (Psalm 104). We still have responsibility to be good stewards of all that is left." CEH