Sunday, March 19, 2023

Creation Moment 3/20/2023 - That Repeated Formula

And the evening and the morning were the first day. Genesis 1:5
"Unlike other ancient Near Eastern creation accounts
---Genesis emphasizes that God alone created the heavens and the
earth and everything in them. 
--In addition, Genesis 1 emphasizes that God created in six days. 
--The repeated formulaand there was evening and there was morning, the Xth day” used to describe the creation days is not, as many have claimed, a mere literary feature that is an inconsequential part of a literary framework, but an important and key element of the description of the creation:
This image of God with His hands in the dirt is remarkable; this is no naive theology, but a statement about the depths to which God has entered into the life of the creation. In contrast to the near Eastern creation accounts, God’s creation was good and perfect, without strife, conflict or contention”.
To highlight the orderliness of the creation as opposed to the chaotic process envisaged by the pagan myths, Steinmann argues that Genesis presents the creation over six days as a logical and sequential process organized by God, albeit in a schematic pairing between two sets of three days (Days 1 and 4; Days 2 and 5; Days 3 and 6)." CMI