Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Creation Moment 3/15/2023 - They want to :"Nudge" You...

.......beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.
2 Peter 3:17
"If your mental image of the scientist is the morally pure, unbiased
guy in a white lab coat measuring chemicals in a flask, you need to catch up to the 21st century. There may be many rank-and-file scientists who approximate that image, but the Big Science Cartel is a huge unelected political force wielding significant power over public policy. And because any thought of creation or intelligent design has been scrubbed from the classroom for decades, the remaining cadre of outspoken scientists and their leaders are mostly atheists and Darwinists with left-leaning, globalist intentions.
One egregious example was when leading scientists published an attack on the Covid lab-leak theory in The Lancet when Donald Trump was president, calling it a conspiracy theory without evidence. Now, well after the damage was done, the probability that Covid-19 began in the Wuhan Lab is becoming accepted by government agencies and leading secular journalists (see Nature, 2 March 2023). The scientists were willing to lie in order to keep Trump from winning a second term.
Misinformation is hard to define, but usually means untrue statements stated or repeated carelessly without regard to the facts. (In practice, it usually means statements that disagree with the “experts,” the scientific consensus, or the Democrat Party.) Disinformation, by contrast, is spreading falsehoods intentionally in order to achieve a political goal: the Big Lie propaganda tactic used by Soviet communists and exemplified in the novel 1984. There’s a degree of overlap between the terms.
Big Science and Big Media are now advocating disinformation for the common good (where they get to define what “the common good” means). It’s OK to lie for their version of truth, they ironically believe. This utilitarian view of public policy grew out of several influences.
1. One is the greed for government funding, as lobbyists and and journal editors began to realize that Democrat Party politicians, not Republicans, were more likely to divert citizens’ tax dollars their way without demanding accountability.
2. Another influence is the decline in a theistic view of the world, with its insistence on absolutes and on human exceptionalism. Belief in absolute truth promotes scientific integrity, whose motto is “follow the evidence wherever it leads.” That’s a moral value that has no foundation in atheism.
3. Another major influence on Big Science is the evolutionary view of world history, where the fittest survive not because of truth, but because of power. With Yoda Complex purring, the elitist big cats in charge of scientific priorities view the mass of humanity as herds of particularly interesting mammals, mere pawns in evolutionary games. They employ evolutionary “game theory” to empower themselves (the “cooperators”) against their opponents (the “cheaters”). In this view, whatever strategy works is morally good. The idea of a conscience went out with Darwin. Now, the powerful fell they can take control of the evolutionary steering wheel. 
Are nudges sinister psychological tricks? Or are they useless?
Actually they are neither
(The Conversation, 25 Dec 2023). Articles like this make us wonder if the elitists read our material, because we have criticized “Nudge Theory” on several occasions as methods for political manipulation in lieu of honest debate (5 Jan 2022, 29 July 2022). Maybe they feel obligated to issue a rebuttal. Three professors (Elkins, Hoffman and Chuah), like self-appointed misinformation-checkers, have arisen to preach the post-truth. They say,
To recap, a “nudge” is about making a socially desirable decision easier or more attractive. That is all.
Oh, is that all? These three profs are completely blind to their elitism. Who decides what is a “socially desirable decision”? It’s the elitists in power! They can “nudge” the public to wear masks, lock down and take the jab by whatever means necessary. The profs claim this does not limit anyone’s free will. But hidden in their text is the clear presumption that experts know best; they know what is “good” for the rest of us. 
The elitists are the nudgers
the public the nudgees.
Christian nationalists are enamored with Putin, even if they oppose Russia, new research from Northeastern professor says (Northeastern University, 9 March 2023). This is such a misinformation-dripping, anti-Christian big lie, it’s hard to fathom how a university could print it as a ‘science research’ article. Most Christians could probably not find one other Christian that is “enamored with Putin.” Putin is despised by Christians! Putting the term “nationalist” with “Christian” is a smear tactic, intended to target anyone who wants their country to be successful. And associating Putin with other conservative leaders is intended to taint all conservatives with Putin’s deserved bad rap."CEH