Sunday, March 12, 2023

Creation Moment 3/13/2023 - Intent of Wright's Invention

.... inventors of evil things.... Romans 1:30
"Spore, a computer game released in September 2008, allows players to replicate the evolution of a creature from a single-celled organism to space-travelling civilization.

Designer Will Wright, best known for creating the Sims series of games, claims that the game is a ‘philosophical toy’ intended to change the way people think, and cites science fiction, SETI, and ‘astrobiology’ as sources of inspiration for the game, and admitted certain aspects of the game are ‘very Darwinian’. 
In a New York Times article, scientists praised the game for getting
evolutionary ideas across, but criticized the simplistic and in some cases misguided way that evolution is presented. 
For one thing, players can ‘intelligently design’ their creatures to some extent. 
However, Dr Thomas Near hopes that the game will cause people to accept evolution: ‘This may be totally off about how evolution works, but I’d much rather be dealing with a student who says, “O.K., I have no problem with evolution; I think about it the same way I think about gravity.” 
*He is not the first to condone deceiving students as long as they end up accepting the evolutionary worldview." CMI