Thursday, February 16, 2023

IN the NEWS - Green Religion Officially has it's "bible" now...

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Galatians 1:6
"Greta Thunberg has given the world her newly published The
Climate Book
, a diatribe against fossil fuels, “capitalist consumerism,” and the “global north.”
Published Tuesday by Penguin Press, the 464-page tome urges readers to “listen to the science” before it’s too late, in a smartly repackaged but ultimately predictable and unconvincing crusade to scare humanity into abandoning cheap, available energy to stave off the impending climate apocalypse.
Is that Darwin at the top of the steps? Not Surprised

 “The climate and ecological crisis is the greatest threat that humanity has ever faced,” Thunberg thunders, and will be “the issue that will define and shape our future everyday life like no other.”
Thunberg commands societies to revolutionize their way of living before it is too late. 
The Climate Book is divided into five parts: 
How Climate Works, 
How Our Planet is Changing, 
How It Affects Us, 
What We’ve Done About It 
and What We Must Do Now/"