Sunday, February 19, 2023

IN the NEWS - About that Asbury "Revival"

"Asbury University is a Methodist-connected university that employs Roman Catholic professors. This is the home of the Asbury Revival, a so-called religious awakening that has begun at this university and has since spread across the nation as thousands of visitors have come to participate in the 24-hour prayer and praise service. 
Norman Fischer, a Catholic priest who serves as both the pastor of St. Peter Claver Church in Lexington, Kentucky, and the chaplain of Lexington Catholic High School, went to the Asbury Revival to assess the spiritual “phenomenon” taking place there.
Father Fischer told OSV News he visited Asbury after celebrating Sunday Mass Feb. 12, and saw several current and former Lexington Catholic High School students there. ‘Hands were raised, people were singing, and all were in one accord,’ said Father Fischer, adding he was reminded of Psalm 133:1, in which the psalmist declares ‘how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell together as one’....I think there is truly a way to tie this to the Eucharistic Revival, but there’s got to be a willingness to be open to the Holy Spirit, who can say, ‘I don’t want to be finished at 8 p.m.,’ said Father Fischer. Can your church handle that? Is it willing’?” ” 
*The big problem with all of this is that nobody changes a single doctrine or teaching. They all come with their errors, and the so-called Holy Spirit doesn’t correct their heresy. 
They all continue to hold contradictory views. 
This is not how the Holy Spirit works.  
"In many of the revivals which have occurred during the last half
century, the same influences have been at work, to a greater or less degree, that will be manifest in the more extensive movements of the future. There is an emotional excitement, a mingling of the true with the false, that is well adapted to mislead.......The sanctification now gaining prominence in the religious world, carries with it a spirit of self-exaltation, and a disregard for the law of God, that mark it as foreign to the religion of the Bible. Its advocates teach that sanctification is an instantaneous work, by which, through faith alone, they attain to perfect holiness. ‘Only believe,’ say they, ‘and the blessing is yours.’ No further effort on the part of the receiver is supposed to be required