Friday, February 3, 2023

Huntington, Indiana Obituary Lesson: One Night of Imbibing..... [1895]

To day if ye will hear his voice 
harden not your hearts, as in the provocation. 
Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. 
For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away Hebrews 3:15/James 4:14
One man Dead and Another is in Critical Condition.
Huntington, Ind., Feb. 19.—Charles Richard is dead from the effects of exposure during the extreme cold weather Some10 days ago
Richard and Jacob Freinstein drove in a sleigh to the home of a friend a few miles from the city, where they imbibed too freely, and did not succeed in getting home. 
They were found lying in the snow in an unconscious condition, with their limbs and faces frozen solid
Two days after the exposure both men were thought to be in a fair way of recovery. They had regained consciousness and talked freely. Last Friday Richard suddenly relaxed into a comatose condition, and death soon followed. He was a cigar maker. Freinstein is still in a critical condition. The fingers of hands have been amputated close to the knuckle joints. The chances of his recovery are very poor.
Warren Republican Feb. 21 1895."