Sunday, February 26, 2023

Dangers of "Progressive" Adventism SERIES Dripping from their Cyberpens: Always "Either--Or"

But there were false prophets also among the people, 
even as there shall be false teachers among you, 
who privily shall bring in damnable heresies
even denying the Lord that bought them...
A man that is an heretic after the first and second admonition reject;
2 Peter 2:1/ Titus 3:10
Ripped from the Cyberpen of Edward Reifsnyde at so-called Adventist Today (2/23/2023)...a psuedo-Adventist journal
"I recently listened to podcast of an Ezra Klein, columnist for the New York Times with great interest. Klein podcasts about his
renewed interest in observing a sabbath as a blessing to him. He approaches it not so much about the religious angle, but based on his discovery that having a sabbath benefits him.
Adventists have historically viewed Sabbath as more a legal obligation than a blessing or joy, in spite of the fact that Jesus said the Sabbath was made for man, not the other way round.
What if the Adventist church became known as the champions of a sabbath because of its blessings to mankind? What if we developed a whole body of research and information strategies that communicated the benefits of sabbath to a secular world? What if we did that for humankind without an evangelistic hook?
Would that be a good way to invest 180 years?"
Always looking for a way to cheapen the Word of God and His Holy Law.
It's o.k. to tout health benefits of a day of rest, BUT that shouldn't take away from the solemnity of the Holy Sabbath Day and it's legal obligation under God's Law.
Q: WHY do self ordained progressives ALWAYS make it either-or
And notice the influence on their thinking---not Scripture---but in this case the New York Times
BTW, his piece was written basically as a fantasy piece about 180 years from now what the Church would be like if the end hasn't come yet. And of course it's dripping with veiled euphoria of tossing out the doctrines of the Church for becoming a social activist organization instead.
"What if the Adventist church spent the next 180 years in an intense life of caring? 
Would God’s kingdom be better served than if the church spent that time beating the “soon” drum?"
Who says they don't care? We are back to their flawed premise of their either-or, in this case, that "beating the soon drum" means one can't be caring for his fellow humans as well. It's a broken record with these people.
Bottom Line: They want a Church that does social work at the expense of preaching the 3 Angel's Message. But the Church actually does both. They just have a problem with the 3 Angel's Messages.