Monday, February 6, 2023

Creation Moment 2/7/2023 - Webb Telescope Challenging Big Bang

 The heavens declare the glory of God... Psalm 19:1
"As noted in a previous Creation Science Update and Impact article,
data from the JWST show that distant galaxies look more ‘mature’ and ‘developed’ than predicted by Big Bang theorists. Big Bang astronomers assume light from the most distant galaxies took almost 14 billion years to reach Earth. Although this may sound reasonable, creation scientists think this assumption is open to challenge.6 But in any case, by Big Bang reckoning, we should be seeing these very distant galaxiesnot as they are now, but as they were almost 14 billion years ago. Hence, these galaxies should appear very “unevolved” and “immature.” Yet, this expectation is routinely contradicted, and data from the JWST are making the disagreement even worse.
Big Bang theorists are being forced to quickly revise their predictions. 
 The supposed dates of the formation of the earliest galaxies are also being pushed back. That same Nature article stated, based on analysis of JWST data, that galaxies were already in existence “a few hundred million years [i.e. about 300 million years] after the Big Bang.”  
Yet Big Bang scientists are now claiming, just months later, that the first galaxies could have formed as early as 200 million years after the Big Bang.
Q: Are you seeing a pattern? 
Big Bang theorists have to keep “pushing back” the times at which the first stars and galaxies supposedly appeared, because no matter how deep we look into space, stars and galaxies already exist! This puts increasing stress on the Big Bang model. 
---Despite the denials of a world that is in increasing rebellion against its Creator, the heavens do indeed testify of God’s glory and their supernatural creation by the Lord Jesus Christ, exactly as described in Scripture." ICR