Sunday, February 5, 2023

Creation Moment 2/6/2023 - Why Evolutionary Cosmologists Made-up the Oort Cloud

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools....
Romans 1:22
"Comets are like dirty snowballs circling around the sun on highly
elliptical orbits. 
*Every orbit, they lose material, because they start to melt when they come close to the sun. 
*After less than 10,000 years they should have disappeared completely. 
Evolutionist scientists have therefore ‘invented’ the so-called Oort Cloud, which, according to their theory, should act as a source for replenishing the comets, and which they say is located in the most distant parts of our solar system. 
---However, despite intensive search in the last century, up to now there is not the smallest piece of evidence of this hypothesis. 
---If the Bible is true, one would of course expect many comets to still be ‘alive’, because 6,000 years is just not enough for most of the comets to have melted." CMI