Friday, January 6, 2023

Why Civil Governments can't make a "Holy Day"

And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. Genesis 2:3

"Civil laws cannot make a holy day, 
neither can they enforce the observance of a holy day. 
**If the State were to attempt to enforce the observance of a holy
day, it would at the best suc
ceed in making men hypocrites.  
Sunday was from the beginning of its career only a holiday, the “wild solar holiday of all pagan times.”  
The Catholic Church adopted it, along with many other heathen customs, from the pagans, by which she so conciliated them that they gave her their allegiance; and the Protestant churches have received it as a legacy from the Catholic Church. 
Since the most that can be said for Sunday is that it is only a holiday of the church, without any divine sanction whatever, there is no obligation resting upon anybody to keep it. 
It has no more sacredness than Monday or Tuesday, or any other working day of the week. " E.J. Waggoner