Sunday, January 1, 2023

Those 8 Sunday Texts SERIES: First Text

"The first day of the week is mentioned in the New Testament only eight times, and is not in a single instance spoken of as a Sabbath, a day of rest, or a sacred day. It is simply called the first day of the week. 
On the other hand, inspiration gives the seventh day of the week in the New Testament the sacred title of the Sabbath fifty-nine times.
First Text
Matthew 28
In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the
first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene, and the other
Mary to see the sepulcher.

Here two days are mentioned. 
--One is called the Sabbath, 
--and the other, the day following it, is called the first day of the week. 
Q: Which of the two days is the Sabbath for Christians? 
Q: Is it the one that is simply called the first day of the week, and is never called the Sabbath, or spoken of as a day of rest in the New Testament? 
Q: Or, is it the day which 
--inspired Christian writers, 
   --in the Christian age, 
      --writing for the benefit of the men of the Christian age, 
         --called the Sabbath?"  
James White