Thursday, January 12, 2023

Health Note - Coca Cola & NAACP

I wish above all things that thou mayest be in health....
3 John 1:2
"The SHOCKING way Coca Cola HIDES its health risks
GLENN: And so what happened? You were -- you were there. And
you were fighting for Coca-Cola. Or big soda.
And you were in the room. And -- and what did you witness?
CALLEY: Yeah. I think this is really instructive. And it's from 2012. And instruct it now. Because it's up for debate again. This is around food stamps. Food stamps is a program that 15 percent of the American people within depend on for nutrition. We can debate on whether it's a good program or not, but it's there. Shockingly, 10 percent of that has been spent on sugar drinks. Ten percent of 110 billion dollar government intrusion program. It's a material part of Coke and Pepsi's revenue.
And logically, people were questioning that, and Coke wanted to keep the status quo.
So the playbook they used is the playbook, as old as time. And it's used today.
It's a three-part story. The first was identifying civil rights
organizations. In this case, the NAACP.
And what was shocking, being in the room, as -- as, you know, kind of -- kind of a bad scene. I mean, these old Coke executives, basically dictating what the NAACP should say. It's very transactional.  
---Coke gave the NAACP millions of dollars, and they explicitly agreed to call opponents. In this case, parents who are concerned their children are ingesting 100 times more sugar than they did 100 years ago, racist.
It's that simple. But it's bipartisan. The second leg of the stool was, you know, we paid off -- pay to play. Insert think tanks on the left hand and the right." Glenn Beck Program