Sunday, January 22, 2023

Creation Moment 1/23/2023 - Root of Theological Cemeteries

"......within supposed Bible colleges and seminaries. 
The young people expect that these colleges will teach them how to strengthen their faith, but instead they undermine it. Some of these theological seminaries have been nicknamed theological cemeteries: killing the church by degrees. 

And in most cases, pastors and parents are oblivious until their young people leave the church after attending these colleges.
 One of these ‘theological termites’ is physics lecturer Karl Giberson. He is reflexively hostile to Biblical creation and in love with the whole gamut of evolution, from goo to you via the zoo, and was vice-President of BioLogos, which is happy with the idea that Jesus was mistaken about creation. For many years, he taught at the ostensibly evangelical Eastern Nazarene College (ENC), but the problem is far from being isolated, as Giberson gloats:
Most evangelical colleges teach evolution, albeit quietly, carefully, and often tentatively, although there are exceptions. … Those of us teaching evolution at evangelical colleges are made to feel as if we have this subversive secret we must whisper quietly in our students’ ears: ‘Hey, did you know that Adam and Eve were not the first humans and never even existed? And that you can still be a Christian and believe that?’”
Notice how insidious they are: just as real termites avoid the light, these theological termites undermine the Bible under the radar, in case they lose support. If the secret got out, then why would parents pay $40,000 per year to ENC? If they are to be indoctrinated in evolution, then why not at a secular university for a fraction of the price? 
At least with the secular university, the students would know what to expect." CMI