Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Creation Moment 1/18/2023 - Brain Whopper

....for I am fearfully and wonderfully made... Psalm 139:14

"Human gene linked to bigger brains was born from seemingly useless DNA (Science Magazine, 5 Jan 2023).
Elizabeth Pennisi probably knows better, but her job requires her to parrot the stupid things that evolutionists say.
This tale is a whopper: mistakes in non-coding DNA led to human brains! Accidents caused Einstein, believe it (preferably) not.
Biologists have long known that new protein-coding genes
can arise
through the duplication and modification of existing ones. But some protein genes can also arise from stretches of the genome that once encoded aimless strands of RNA instead. How new protein genes surface this way has been a mystery, however
**Let’s clarify this statement. They call evolutionists “biologists” to give them credibility that is undeserved, as will be shown in a moment. 
Notice that gene duplication is a mistake; it’s as “aimless” as they describe. Everything that follows in their scenario—the processes that led to humans with big brains—is due ultimately to mistakes. Also notice that they couch evolution’s Myth of Progress in innocent-sounding words like arise, surface, endow, emerge, role, and step. Oh, but there is vast “potential” in a sea of mistakes! It’s possible, isn’t it? Mistakes might have “played a role” in the heavy dose of Darwin Flubber that made humans “emerge.”
Now, a study identifies mutations that transform seemingly useless DNA sequences into potential genes by endowing their encoded RNA with the skill to escape the cell nucleus—a critical step toward becoming translated into a protein. The study’s authors highlight 74 human protein genes that appear to have arisen in this de novo way—more than half of which emerged after the human lineage branched off from chimpanzees. Some of these newcomer genes may have played a role in the evolution of our relatively large and complex brains.
You can stop listening to their story right now. If one were to believe their tale, it would undermine itself. 
Q: Why? 
A: Because their beliefs would be built on a long series of accidents, with no anchor in truth or goodness. Cue sound of implosion.
Q: How long will reasonable people put up with Toxic Mass Darwinity."