Friday, December 30, 2022

Creation Moment 12/31/2022 - Darwinism Destroys Virtue in Darwinian Puppet Show

 And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue.... 2 Peter 1:5
"There are two ways that Darwinism destroys virtue: by teaching that
  • Human beings are mere animals, and
  • Anything a human being does that seems good is really selfish.
The first premise reduces virtue to beast behavior. Darwinians teach
that the human race just got lucky in the past, when some accidental mutation gave us bigger brains. Brains in Darwinism are devoid of immaterial souls; they just work to increase “fitness”.
Fitness is not a virtue. It is anything that promotes survival of as many offspring as possible. That is selfish.
The second premise exalts beast behavior to virtue. Anything “good” or virtuous done by humans is also done by animals and even bacteria, they say. Fungi, worms, fish and birds can be “altruistic” and display virtues thought to be the sole purview of humanity. So really, righteousness in Darwinism is selfishness—vice in virtue’s clothing—even if it is promoted by apparently “altruistic” members of a group.
In extreme Darwinism, it’s the genes that are selfish. Darwinism thus reduces all organisms, even humans, to pawns in an evolutionary game, marionettes in a mindless puppet show." CEH