Thursday, December 22, 2022

Creation Moment 12/23/2022 - 3 things every atheist ACTS IGNORANT of

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
Romans 1:20
"Paul Sutter is a popular astronomer who writes for various science websites. When asked on this month, “How was the universe created?” he had various suggestions and things to say, but one possible answer—it had a Creator—was completely ignored:
Short answer: We don’t really know how the universe was created, though most astrophysicists believe it started with the Big Bang.
The big bang itself, though, does not answer the question. What happened before the big bang? Sutter professes complete ignorance on that point:
When we try to make sense of the universe when it was less than a second old, we have no theory of physics that can cope with the insanely high temperatures and pressures the universe experienced. All of our theories of physics break down, and we have no understanding of how particles, forces and fields operate in those conditions.
Sutter’s ignorance continues as he explores various speculative ideas from cosmologists:
  • A singularity from which the “big bang” emerged makes no physical sense.
  • We can’t figure out anything without “new physics.”
  • The idea of a multiverse is “murky” as a “possible” idea.
But wait: science means knowledge. Sutter just admitted that he has no knowledge of anything that he is talking about. Apparently he would rather remain ignorant for the rest of his life than consider that fine tuning required a Fine Tuner, sense required a Logos, and creation required a Creator." CEH