Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Creation Moment 12/22/2022 - Unity is the Testimony

"Similarity is not evidence for common ancestry (evolution),
but rather for a common designer (creation)
Think about the original Porsche and the Volkswagen ‘Beetle’ cars. They both have air-cooled, flat, horizontally-opposed, 4-cylinder engines in the rear, independent rear suspension, two doors, trunk in the front, and many other similarities. 
Q: Why do these two very different cars have so many similarities? 
A: Because they had the same designer
Whether similarity is morphological (shape, form) or biochemical, it is not an argument for evolution over creation. If humans were entirely different from all other living things, or indeed every living thing was entirely different, would this reveal the Creator to us? No, we could think that there must be many creators rather than one.  
The unity of the creation is testimony to the One True God who made it all 
 (For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, ...Romans 1:20)." CMI