Friday, December 16, 2022

Creation Moment 12/17/2022 - Christian Heresies on Genesis 1

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

"Some say that the days of Genesis 1 can be understood as eons of
time, but that God stepped in to do some of the more incredible things at various times—like making pine trees and people. This so-called ‘progressive creation’ view has God creating progressively over eons of time.
Others claim that Genesis is a mere literary device, a framework upon which hangs important theological teaching—like clothes hanging on a clothesline. They argue that the clothes are the important thing, not the clothesline, so we should not be worried about trying to connect Genesis to the history of the world (this is the ‘framework hypothesis’).
Yet others say God used evolution to make everything (‘theistic evolution’) and that Genesis has no relevance to understanding the history of the universe; it is some sort of ‘myth’. Science tells us when and how the universe came into being; the Bible tells us why. They are two separate domains of knowledge.
The above views tend to overlap in a fuzzy way in the minds of many who have not thought logically about the effect of these views on the Gospel." CMI