Sunday, December 11, 2022

Creation Moment 12/12/2022 - Evolution-Based Philosophies & Body Bags Wracked Up

 The LORD examines the righteous, 
   but the wicked, 
      those who love violence
         He hates with a passion.
Psalm 11:5 NLT
"Skeptics often raise the spectre of religious wars and other alleged ‘fundamentalist atrocities’, implying that if only humanity were to grow up and face life without God, we would finally attain some
peaceful utopia. However, it’s important to note that religion had nothing to do with the vast majority of wars, e.g. the Hutu-Tutsi war in Rwanda, the Falklands War, the Vietnam and Korean War, WW2, WW1, the Gran Chaco War in South America, the Russo-Japanese War, the Spanish-American War, the Franco-Prussian War, the Crimean War, the US Civil War, the Napoleonic wars, the Wars of the Roses, the Mongol wars, the Gallic War, the Punic wars, the Assyrian wars … etc.
It is true that some Christians have used their own swords instead of the counsel of ‘the sword of the Spirit’ (i.e. the Word of God) to combat what they saw to be evil. 
---However, the number of deaths in the 20th century alone due to evolution-based philosophies such as Nazism and Communism far outweigh those caused by ‘religion’ in all centuries combined. Furthermore, 
*any professing Christians who murdered others were acting inconsistently with their professed faith, 
*while Hitler and Stalin were acting consistently with theirs."