Friday, December 9, 2022

Are the 3 Angel's Messages for a Future Age? SERIES: 3rd Message

"The following reasons forbid the application of this prophecy to
the future age:
Those who will compare Rev. xiv, 9-12; xiii, 11-17, will see at once that the warning voice of the third angel relates to the fearful scene when the two-horned beast is to act its part in oppressing the saints of the Lord. 
But if the third angel's proclamation relates to the period which follows the Second Advent, then the work of the two-horned beast must also transpire in the future age. 
And what a scene must the future reign of the saints present, if Rev. xiii, 11-17, is to be fulfilled in that time! But by turning to Rev. xx, 4-6, it will be seen that the period for the triumph of the beast and his image, and for the reception of his mark, precedes the thousand years' reign of the saints. And when the reign of the saints commences, the triumph of the beast is past.
The beast doubtless represents the Papal power. Rev. xiii, 1-10; Dan, vii, 8, 20, 21, 25, 26. But by turning to 2 Thess. ii, we learn that the Papacy is to be destroyed by the brightness of Christ's coming. Further, we learn from Rev. xix, 19-21, that the final overthrow of the beast and false prophet, or two-horned beast, takes place in the battle of the great day of God Almighty, in immediate connection with the Second Advent. 
By these plain testimonies we establish the fact that the beast will be destroyed at the Second Advent. 
Therefore we ask, What danger will there be that men will worship the beast at a time when there will be none for them to worship? 
God will never send an angel to warn men against the worship of the beast when he does not exist.
J.N Andrews