Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Are the 3 Angel's Messages for a Future Age? SERIES: 1st Message

"The following reasons forbid the application of this prophecy to the
future age
This view would make the angel with the everlasting gospel to every nation, kindred and tongue, an angel from heaven with another gospel. Gal. i, 8. For the apostolic commission extended only to the harvest, which is the end of the world. Matt. xxviii, 19, 20; xxiv, 14; xiii, 24-30, 36-43
---Paul participated in this commission, [1Tim. i, 11] and he thus declares its import: that God "now commandeth all men
everywhere to repent; because he hath appointed a day in the which he will
judge the world in righteousness." Acts xvii, 30, 31. The apostolic commission extended only to the end-the day in which God shall judge the world by Jesus Christ. A gospel preached in that day, would be another gospel than that preached by Paul, and one that has no Savior in it. 
This would indeed show that the angel of Rev. xiv, 6, 7, was the very being on whom rests the curse of Paul in Gal. i, 8."  
J.N. Andrews