Monday, November 7, 2022

Simple Facts about the Sabbath from Scripture

"The fact that those, who had been with Jesus during his ministry, "rested the Sabbath-day according to the commandment," after His crucifixion, and resumed labor on the first day of the week [Luke xxiii,55,56; xxiv,1] shows clearly that they knew nothing of the supposed change of the Sabbath
--Yet Jesus testifies that all things which He had heard of His Father
He had made known unto them. John xv,
--The fact that God has never sanctified the first day of the week shows plainly that it is not sacred time, and not a divinely instituted Sabbath. 
--The fact that God has never required us to rest on that day shows that its observance in the place of the Sabbath of the Lord, is a clear instance of making void the commandments of God to keep the traditions of men. Mark vii,6-13;,6. 
--That sanctified time exists in the gospel dispensation, or in other words, that there is a day which belongs to God, is clear from Rev.i,10. That "the Lord's day," is the Sabbath-day is plain from Isa.lviii,13." J.N. Andrews