Saturday, November 5, 2022

Papal Notes - Bahrain Bends the Knee

With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. Revelation 17:2

"Pope Francis is already in Bahrain on his 39th apostolic journey, which will take place from November 3–6, 2022. 
Pope Francis was welcomed by King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa at the royal palace along with state officials and diplomats as soon as he arrived. Pope Francis traveled to Bahrain to promote his version of peaceful coexistence during a meeting titled “Bahrain Forum for Dialogue: East and West for Human Coexistence.”
In his address, the Pope stated clearly that he was on a mission to push the climate crisis and COP27. The Vatican News reported the following:
The Holy Father emphasized the importance of working ‘tirelessly’ to confront the climate emergency, and expressed his hope that the COP27 meeting, taking place in just a few days, would be a ‘step forward in this regard’.”
The Pope also exhorted everyone to accept the popular ecumenical messages, which urged us to forget the past, reject everything that separates us, and only concentrate on our shared objectives:
From the same Declaration, the Pope made his own the commitment ‘to working for a world where people of sincere belief join together to reject that which divides us and concentrate instead on celebrating and expanding on that which unites us’.” 

Additionally, Pope Francis stated that he is on a pilgrimage to spread his vision of peace throughout the world:
“I am here, in this land of the Tree of Life,” he said, “as a sower of peace, in order to experience these days of encounter and to take part in a Forum of dialogue between East and West for the sake of peaceful co-existence.” AdventMessenger