Thursday, November 3, 2022

On the Streets of Babylon: Apologizing for Preaching Against Sin Heard on the Streets

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,..
Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seems to be "apologies for preaching against sin" on the Streets of Babylon...
"A Bishop in Southern Ireland apologized for a priest’s sermon that
slammed the ‘rampant legislation of sin’ as seen in the government’s positions on abortion, transgenderism, and homosexuality.
In a statement, Bishop Ray Browne apologized to “all who were offended,” adding “the views expressed do not represent the Christian positionand the message was not appropriate for a “regular weekend parish Mass.
Browne’s Monday statement was released to appease parishioners who were outraged by Father Seán Sheehy’s homily delivered to mass-goers in Listowel.
Many walked out during the sermon, prompting Sheehy to bid them farewell mid-message.
Those of you who happen to be leaving today, God help you is all I have to say.”
Sheehy has since been removed from the town’s mass roster, but is standing by his remarks and even accusing Browne of “muzzling the truth in order to appease people.” IW